The Honest Woodcutter

In a small village, a woodcutter named Ravi worked hard every day. One afternoon, while cutting wood by the river, his axe slipped from his hands and fell into the deep water. Sad and worried, he sat down, unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, a shimmering water fairy appeared and asked, "Why are you sad?"

Ravi explained his situation. The fairy dove into the river and brought out a golden axe. "Is this yours?" she asked.

Ravi shook his head, "No, mine was an old iron axe."

The fairy smiled and dove in again, this time bringing out a silver axe. "Is this yours?"

"No," Ravi replied honestly.

Finally, the fairy brought out the rusty iron axe. Ravi's face lit up, "Yes! That's mine!"

The fairy was pleased with his honesty and rewarded him with all three axes.

Moral of the Story:

"Honesty is always rewarded."